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San Bernardino


A government official tells CBS News the FBI now owns the rights to the method it obtained from a third party

A federal judge has vacated her order compelling Apple to unlock the San Bernardino gunman's iPhone, officially ending the legal case. A government official tells CBS News the FBI now owns the rights to the method it obtained from a third party. CBS News legal expert Rikki Klieman joins "CBS This Morning" to discuss Apple's pressure to find out how investigators bypassed its security and implications for other locked devices reportedly linked to crimes. Klieman is also the wife of New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton, who has called on Apple to help law enforcement access cell phones.


A CBS News/New York Times poll suggests Americans are divided over whether Apple should unlock the encrypted iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters

A CBS News/New York Times poll suggests Americans are divided over whether Apple should unlock the encrypted iPhone of one of the San Bernardino shooters. Fifty percent say Apple should unlock the phone, while 45 percent think it should remain sealed. The FBI and Apple are due back in court Tuesday in Riverside, California. Justice reporter Paula Reid joins "CBS This Morning: Saturday" to discuss the case.

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