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Antonin Scalia


Texas authorities did not do an autopsy after Scalia's body was found

Donald Trump is talking about conspiracy theories that claim Justice Antonin Scalia may have died of foul play. Texas authorities did not do an autopsy after Scalia's body was found. Confusion and lingering questions led to some wild speculation about the venerated justice’s, but the owner of the ranch where Scalia died tried to clarify his comments about how he saw “a pillow over his head.” Jan Crawford reports.


Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is blasting Senate Republicans

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is blasting Senate Republicans who say the next president should appoint the successor to Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia. Clinton posted a barrage of tweets late last night writing, "I have news for Republicans who would put politics over the Constitution: Refusing to do your duty isn’t righteous, it's disgraceful.” Jan Crawford reports on the possible candidates for the high court.

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