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Edward Snowden


Senators rushed back from recess in order to seal a deal before key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire

Senators rushed back from recess in order to seal a deal before midnight, when key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire. Several surveillance programs will end, including the NSA's bulk collection of phone records revealed by Edward Snowden. The Obama administration, along with many key Republicans, say national security is at stake. Juliana Goldman reports.


The Washington Post and The Guardian U.S. were awarded Pulitzers for their reporting on the Edward Snowden leaks that revealed the NSA's secret surveillance programs

The Washington Post and The Guardian U.S. were awarded Pulitzers for their reporting on the Edward Snowden leaks that revealed the NSA's secret surveillance programs. The New York Times and Boston Globe were also among the winners for their coverage of the terror attack at a mall in Kenya and the Boston Marathon bombing. Scott Pelley reports.


The full episode of the CBS Evening News from the April 14, 2014 edition.

Mindy Corporon is the mother of one victim killed by a gunman at a Kansas City-area Jewish community center and the daughter of another. Police believe Jews may have been the shooting suspect's intended targets, but all three killed Sunday were Christians; and, following the Boston Marathon bombing one year ago, a shrine sprang up at the race's finish line. Thousands of items left at the makeshift memorial are now on display in an exhibit honoring the victims of the attack.

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