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Meet the Penn women's basketball player with a connection to the Eagles and Super Bowl LIX

This Penn women's basketball player has a connection to the Philadelphia Eagles
This Penn women's basketball player has a connection to the Philadelphia Eagles 02:24

Saniah Caldwell grew up a fan of many NFL teams, but the Philadelphia Eagles are at the top of the list.

The guard from Penn grew up in a traveling family but also an athletic one.

She just teamed up with her sister, Sydnei, for one season at Penn. Her brother, Simeon, is a high school All-American. Her mom is a former track star at the University of Tennessee, and her dad is former Eagles linebacker and defensive coach Mike Caldwell.

"Creates competition in our family," Saniah Caldwell said.

"Gets competitive in the house," Mike Caldwell said.

"Giving me pointers," Saniah Caldwell said.

"Represent name on the back," Mike Caldwell said.

Mike Caldwell spent last season with the Las Vegas Raiders, but the Eagles — and their old-school style of play — are never far from the Caldwells' hearts.

"We hang out with all his old teammates and stuff," Saniah Caldwell said.

The Caldwells are especially close with the Trotters.

Mike Caldwell and Jeremiah Trotter played linebacker together from 1998 to 2001.

Now, Saniah Caldwell and her family get to root for Jeremiah Trotter Jr. as he makes a trip to the Super Bowl in his rookie season.

On Super Bowl Sunday, distance will keep the Caldwells apart. But as Saniah Caldwell said, there's only one team they'll be rooting for.

Her dad agrees.

"Once an Eagle, always an Eagle," Mike Caldwell said.

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