Minnesotans head to Washington, D.C. for Trump's inauguration
MINNEAPOLIS — Minnesotans in Washington ahead of President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration said there is plenty of energy and excitement, even despite cold weather forcing the event indoors.
The Minnesota delegation in Washington, D.C. is more than 275, according to a spokesperson for the Republican Party of Minnesota.
Kelly Jahner-Byrne is one of them. The Woodbury resident and President of the Minnesota Federation of Republican Women has been in Washington, D.C. since Saturday.
"Minnesota has a great delegation that is here," Jahner-Byrne said. "I think it's time that people need to just be proud to be an American again."
Donna Bergstrom, Deputy Chair for the Republican Party of Minnesota, will also be at the inauguration. Bergstrom said she is seeing plenty of energy and support for Trump. However, she is disappointed the inauguration will be indoors.
"We were all really looking forward to it from Minnesota. Our delegation out here, we wanted to be out on the lawn and watch the events and do just, I guess, our part in celebrating his victory," Bergstrom said.
"It hasn't dampened one spirit out here. The lines are around the buildings to get into the rally," Jahner-Byrne said.
Bergstrom said the showing of support in Washington, D.C. is a reflection of public dissatisfaction with things like the cost of living and inflation.
Jayner-Byrne said she believes Trump will turn the tide.
"There's so much to look forward to and I think that this is just the beginning of that happening, and so I'm glad to be a part of it," Jayner-Byrne said.