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High school coach in Colorado suspended after reports of antisemitism, unsportsmanlike behavior

Some Colorado parents are offended by what they say was anti-semitism at sports event
Some Colorado parents are offended by what they say was anti-semitism at sports event 02:35

Parents are concerned after witnessing what they believe were displays of antisemitism at a high school basketball game between Lotus School For Excellence and Denver Academy of Torah. 

The boys' basketball game took place on Jan. 22 at Lotus School For Excellence in Aurora. Lotus' coach, "Coach O", reportedly hung a Palestinian flag on a railing near the court and refused to shake hands with DAT's coach after the game.

The Lotus School For Excellence in Aurora. CBS

Lotus School for Excellence says it does not tolerate any form of antisemitism and has launched an investigation into the incident.

Ermek Bakyt, Secondary Principal at Lotus, says their school stands for inclusion and values diversity. 

"That coach's single act doesn't represent what we stand for," said Bakyt. "We haven't seen any flags being hung in previous games. This was an isolated incident and we took action immediately."

Coach O, a subcontracted employee for the school, was suspended following the game. Parents from DAT quickly raised concerns about what they said was unsportsmanlike and antisemitic behavior. 

Brandon Rattiner with the Jewish Community Relations Council of Colorado spoke to CBS Colorado on behalf of DAT. 

"It crosses the line when adults in positions of power use that position to advance a political agenda," said Rattiner. "To use that opportunity of being proximate to Jews to make a statement about geopolitics across the world is really bad leadership from those coaches."

The Denver Academy of Torah. CBS

A parent letter addressed to members at Lotus, CHSAA, and the CDE also calls for the suspension of the basketball team pending a full investigation. Some parents reported that members of the Lotus basketball team also did not engage with the opposing team or shake hands, a gesture typically seen as a sign of respect at the end of games. 

Lotus conducted an internal investigation, speaking with players and reviewing footage of the game. A review of surveillance video from the game shows the student athletes, at both schools, shaking hands.

"Posting about it online, removing any context from the event, and fanning the flames of division makes these sorts of incidents more likely," said Rattiner. "The challenge of moments like this is they get amplified online by people from all sides that mean well."

After Coach O's refusal to shake hands, the coaches are later seen in what appears to be an argument on the court. 

Denver Academy of Torah requested a meeting with Lotus the next day.

"There was a really, really good conversation, a healthy conversation, and they got to a resolution that worked for both schools. There were open lines of communication and mutual understanding," Rattiner stated. "This was a teaching moment, and instead of just fanning the flames of vitriol and division online, these administrations came together, worked to find the solution that added everybody's experience there."

Both schools are committed to turning this situation into a teaching opportunity. Bakyt says the school will continue to revisit its athletic programs and potentially implement further cultural sensitivity training in the future.

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