Ozzy Osbourne Visits Butler Restaurant
BUTLER (KDKA) -- Rachel's Roadhouse Restaurant in Butler hosted a surprise guest Tuesday night. But the staff recognized rocker Ozzy Osbourne as soon as he walked in the door, followed by an entourage of a couple dozen or so.
He achieved fame with Black Sabbath in the early '70s, and he's not done yet. We later met Ozzy and his family on cable TV, in a rather unreal reality series called "The Osbournes."
"We arranged the tables right here in a line," said Roadhouse manager Ron Kappy, indicating a room set aside for the visitors.
Though the father of three was known for mumbling on his TV show, the restaurant manager says, "Everybody always asks me, 'Could you understand him?' I guess he's pretty much hard to understand. They all had pretty thick English accents, but I could understand him."
He ordered an appetizer of chicken wings.
"I set one in front of Ozzy, and I guess it wasn't really his," Kappy recalls. "So he reached to grab it and one of the servers grabbed the plate out from him, and I'm, 'Oh my god, you just took food away from Ozzy Osbourne!'"
But the entertainer known for biting the head off a bat proved to be a model customer. So - what was he doing in Butler?
"All they told me was they were filming for the History Channel," the restaurant manager recalled.
The celebrity guest joined the manager and staff at the bar for an after dinner photograph, proving that Ozzy Osbourne did indeed eat here. As for the obvious question:
"No bats," Kappy smiled. "They're not on our menu, anyway."
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