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40% of Pennsylvania homes have elevated radon levels. Here's how Allegheny County residents can get free test kits.

Hey Ray: Radon
Hey Ray: Radon 02:31

PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — About 40% of Pennsylvania homes have elevated levels of radon, something Allegheny County officials hope to help combat by handing out free radon test kits this month. 

A report from the American Lung Association says 39.1% of homes in Pennsylvania have radon test results that either equal or exceed the Environmental Protection Agency's action level. Radon is responsible for an estimated 21,000 lung cancer deaths every year and is the leading cause of lung cancer in people who have never smoked, the association says.

To mark National Radon Action Month, the Allegheny County Health Department is handing out more than 900 free test kits to residents. They can be picked up at the Housing and Community Environment office at 3190 Sassafras Way Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. It's only while supplies last, so people are encouraged to call 412-350-4046 ahead of time. 

What is radon? 

Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that seeps into homes from the ground, causing radiation damage to lung cells when it's breathed in, the Allegheny County Health Department said. It's undetectable by smell, taste, sight or feeling, so officials say testing regularly is the only reliable way to know if radon is in the home. 

How do radon test kits work? 

The Allegheny County Health Department says the radon kits have instructions inside that include the address where the test should be shipped so a laboratory can analyze the results. 

According to the EPA, remediation for radiation done by a certified contractor should be completed at 4pCi/L or higher, but is recommended for results as low as 2pCi/L.

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