Politicians, Religious Leaders Denounce Anti-Muslim Bus Ads
NEW YORK (CBSewYork) -- Religious and political leaders of all faiths and backgrounds gathered on the steps of City Hall Tuesday to denounce anti-Muslim ads set to appear on New York City buses and at subway stations.
Some of the ads include an image of American journalist James Foley just before he was beheaded standing next to his masked executioner, and another of Hitler.
The ads, which will appear on 100 buses and at two subway stations, are paid for by the American Freedom Defense Initiative run by anti-Islam blogger Pamela Geller, WCBS 880's Marla Diamond reported.
Politicians, Religious Leaders Denounced Anti-Muslim Bus Ads
"That has no place here in New York City or anywhere else," City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito said of the ads.
"How dare these ads suggest and equate the American Muslim community with ISIS?" Rabbi Marc Schneier added.
Others called the ads "dangerous."
"This is irresponsible," said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, a former NYPD officer. "It is no different than sitting in a crowded room and yelling 'fire!'"
Geller says the campaign tells truths about Islam and Jihad that the U.S. government and mainstream media ignore.
"Our organization has created this campaign in order to educate people about Jihad," Geller told 1010 WINS last week. "I don't think the truth is controversial. I think we're entering a very dangerous period, and I don't think the American people should be disarmed in the information battle space."
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority rejected one of Geller's ads, which references "killing Jews." She has filed a lawsuit.
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