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How to get the best pet insurance for your dog

To get the best pet insurance for your dog, consider applying for a policy when they're still young and healthy. Getty Images

Pet owners generally want the best for their dogs and cats

Whether it's the highest quality food, a top-notch local groomer or the best veterinarian for their specific breed, owners make an effort to be well-informed about what's best for their furry friend. This approach also extends to pet insurance and the different types and policies currently on the market. After all, not every pet insurance provider is the same. Each has its own set of pros and cons, making the research required to find the best plan for your pet a bit more time-consuming.

Below, we've gathered some reliable approaches dog owners can take when trying to secure the best pet insurance for their pups. While each dog is different — and each owner may have a different interpretation of the "best" — these strategies can help you build a comprehensive and cost-effective plan.

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How to get the best pet insurance for your dog

Here are three reliable ways to get the best pet insurance for your dog.

Apply early

Arguably the top way to get great pet insurance for your dog is to apply when they're young. Or apply now, when they're as young as they ever will be. That's because pet insurance only becomes more expensive as your pet ages and their health inevitably declines. Even a healthy 7-year-old dog is likely pricier to insure than a healthy 3-year-old dog. Every birthday that passes will only result in a bump in your monthly premiums.

But cost isn't the only factor. By applying soon, you can put your dog in the running for more comprehensive care. That's because pet insurance providers won't cover pre-existing medical conditions. You'll either have to wait until they clear in full or just be content with having coverage for other items. But if you apply now when your dog is still healthy, you'll position yourself for more robust coverage options than if you wait until later in their life.

In short: By applying when your dog is still young, you'll pay less for more coverage. It's a rare win-win and one dog owners looking for the best pet insurance should take advantage of.

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Get a comprehensive policy

There are multiple types of pet insurance to choose from, with varying price points attached. You can get an accident-only policy, which will only cover items like broken bones or objects that were incorrectly swallowed. Accident and illness plans, meanwhile, will cover those items and the times when your pet falls ill. As you go higher up the ladder the coverage and the cost will increase.

Comprehensive policies cover accidents, illnesses and some surprising other things (once you've met your deductible, that is). But for dog owners, it's generally worth securing. Remember that dogs generally live shorter lives than cats, and those lives almost always require more trips to the vet and more medical assistance. Because of this, a comprehensive pet insurance policy makes sense to get. If you know you want (and need) the help a pet insurance policy can provide, get a comprehensive plan to start. You can always downgrade it in the future, but you won't be able to immediately boost it when needed. 

A comprehensive plan will offer you greater flexibility and peace of mind. Yes, it may cost a bit more than the other types but chances are you'll use it more often, too. 

Consult your veterinarian

Your veterinarian shouldn't just be someone you speak to for your dog's check-ups or when they need their annual vaccinations. Consider consulting them for their input on a pet insurance plan, too. After all, your veterinarian isn't just well-versed in the medical history of your dog. They're also likely informed about your dog's overall breed and any health issues the breed has or can be expected to encounter as they age.

By speaking to your veterinarian about a prospective pet insurance plan you can better tailor your coverage to what you need now, or may need in the future. This will ensure you don't wind up paying for protections your dog is unlikely to utilize. On the other side of the coin, you may wind up paying more, but at least you'll do so knowing that the policy you have is appropriate for the dog in question.

Speak to your vet to see what they recommend (and what they don't). Then you can apply for a policy with that information in hand.

Get a customized pet insurance quote here now to learn more.

The bottom line

Pet insurance is valuable for dogs, cats and even some exotic animals. That said, no one wants to pay top dollar for minimal protections. For dog owners, there are multiple approaches to take to shore up the best pet insurance. This includes applying early, when their dog is healthy, costs are minimal and protections are numerous. Also, consider getting a comprehensive policy. It will cost more than some other types but it will come in handy as your pet ages and treatments become more onerous and expensive. Finally, consider reaching out to your veterinarian. They have a unique perspective that can be useful when trying to secure the best pet insurance for your dog. 

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