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How your vet can help lower pet insurance costs

Veterinarian examining French bulldog
When it comes to reducing pet insurance costs, owners have a unique resource: their veterinarian. Westend61

Pet insurance provides a financial safety net for owners and medical support for their cats or dogs. 

For a minimal cost each month, you can have peace of mind knowing that your pet is protected and any emergencies that arise won't break the bank.

However, like most other insurance types it pays to do your research. Shop around for the best rates and start early while your animal is still young and healthy. You should also seriously consider speaking to your veterinarian. 

If you're in the market for pet insurance, then start by getting a free price quote.

How your vet can help cut pet insurance costs

Many people are familiar with the above-mentioned ways to secure a low insurance rate. When it comes to pet insurance, however, owners have a unique resource: their veterinarian.

Your vet can help you tailor any insurance plan to the pet you have. They're already closely involved with the care and treatment of your animal and see a variety of related issues on a daily basis. By asking your veterinarian for guidance, you can more accurately adjust your pet insurance coverage to only what you need now - or may need in the future. This way you won't wind up paying for protections you're unlikely to use.

Veterinarians also know which breeds are more likely to suffer from hereditary conditions than others. Accordingly, they can predict with some certainty what health conditions to cover in advance. 

For example, there are certain dog breeds that are predisposed to medical ailments. A German Shepherd is more likely to need a medical procedure for hip dysplasia than most other breeds. English bulldogs and similar dog types are prone to suffer from Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BAOS).

Your veterinarian already knows this. So consult with them when signing up with a provider. Start by getting a customized price quote now.

Other ways to cut pet insurance costs

In addition to shopping for providers, starting early and consulting with your vet, there are other reliable ways to get cheap pet insurance. Here are three others:

  • Look for discounts: You may be eligible to get discounted pet insurance. Consider paying annually, for instance. If you're a veteran or active duty military member you may be eligible for a cost reduction. If you're a senior and a member of the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) you can also get a discount. Do your research to find the best rates.
  • Get an accident-only policy: This will only cover your pets for emergencies like broken bones or if they swallow something they shouldn't have. But if you're looking to cut costs and stay insured this can do both.
  • Consider the breed and type: As mentioned earlier, dogs and cats prone to health issues are usually more expensive to insure than those who aren't predisposed. So, if you don't yet have a pet but want to eventually get your new one insured, do your homework now to help manage costs.

The bottom line

The benefits of pet insurance are multiple and significant. Just be smart about how you purchase a plan. Speak to your veterinarian to make sure you've got the best policy in place for you and your furry friend. 

You can get a free pet insurance quote in 30 seconds from Spot pet insurance now or you can use the table below to start reviewing some top providers on the market. 

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