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Fort Lauderdale man beaten in home invasion robbery says he's lucky to be alive

73-year-old man beaten in home invasion said he's lucky to be alive
73-year-old man beaten in home invasion said he's lucky to be alive 02:43

FORT LAUDERDALE — A 73-year-old Fort Lauderdale man said he's lucky to be alive after he was beaten during a home invasion robbery. 

Norm, who didn't want to use his last name, said he is a very active guy.

"I do a lot of yoga and stretching, I'm very religious with all that. So, hopefully, that'll help me get through this and I can slowly start getting my back body in a position where it's healed and I can continue to do that because that's my life," said Norm.

But he won't be able to do the things he loves soon.

Norm was brutally attacked Friday night when police say 48-year-old Joseph Soini snuck into his condo on Banyan Street. He said he was taking out the trash when Soini got into the building. Then, he said, he saw Soini face-to-face inside his home.

"He says get down on your face and started kicking me, slapping me and he started choking me and said where's your money at," said Norm.

Norm said he tried to get into his bedroom to escape, but the beating continued.

"He threw me down again. He grabbed a trophy I got in there and he started hitting me with the trophy and then he hit me in the ribs. Man that hurt," he said.

Norm says Soini stole thousands of dollars worth of cash and possessions and even took his car.

Police said they found Soini in the car near North Federal Highway early Saturday morning. He was charged with grand theft auto and possession of cocaine.

Norm is now at home recovering but has this message to his neighbors.

"Be safe, lock your doors. Cause even though he's been caught, there may be some other ones like him around here. I would hate to see this happen to somebody else," he said.

Soini refused to go to bond court on Sunday morning on the theft and drug charges.  He could face additional charges in this case.

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