Marathon Bombing Survivor's Missing Prosthetic Leg Found
BOSTON (CBS) – A Boston Marathon bombing survivor's baggage, including her prosthetic leg, has been located after being lost by the airline she was traveling with.
Adrianne Haslet-Davis says American Airlines lost her prosthetic leg.
The leg was packed with dancing equipment in her luggage during a recent trip. The professional dancer claims the lost items are worth more than $250,000.
She took her complaint to the airline public on Twitter Thursday night.
"We're terribly sorry we lost this bag and we're working directly with the customer to get it back to her just as soon as possible," an American Airlines spokesman told WBZ-TV.
By Friday morning, the airline said the baggage had been found.
"We're sorry this happened. Her bag has been located and we will reunite her with it as soon as possible," the airline said in a statement to WBZ-TV.
On Twitter, Haslet-Davis said the airline called her, saying the luggage ended up in a country she had never been to.
Haslet-Davis lost her left leg below the knee in the 2013 bombing.