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22 Years After Bob, No Hurricanes Have Made Landfall In Mass.

BOSTON (CBS) --- Monday's weather was much different from a nasty day 22 years ago.

That was the last time a hurricane hit land in Massachusetts -- Hurricane Bob.

WBZ NewsRadio 1030's Carl Stevens with WBZ Meteorologist Barry Burbank

22 Years Later, WBZ Meteorologist Remembers Hurricane Bob

WBZ Meteorologist Barry Burbank has seen a lot of meteorological wonders around here over the years but not too many hurricanes.

"It was a little scary because we knew it was going to be a powerful hurricane," Burbank said. "A lot of people were on Cape Cod and they were trying to get off the Cape."

Bob hit Newport, Rhode Island at 2 p.m. before stretching out toward Hingham and the Gulf Of Maine.

"Every year you keep hearing the stories, this is the year we're going to get hit," Burbank said. "But they don't hit very often."

Hurricane Bob also shares an anniversary with Hurricane Diane.

It was also on this date in 1955 Diane hit Massachusetts and dumped more than 15 inches of rain on the region.

But so far, so good for hurricane season.

"From here, way out to the coast of Africa there is nothing out there, things are good," Burbank said.

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