Duquesne University Says Student Athlete's Death 'Not A Case Of Police Misconduct Or Negligence'
PITTSBURGH (KDKA) -- Duquesne University says there were no incidents of police or law enforcement "misconduct or negligence" on the night a student fell to his death from a campus apartment building in 2018.
The law firm representing Duquesne University in the case involving the death of student athlete, Marquis Jaylen "J.B." Brown, held a news conference Wednesday morning on their latest findings.
"We did a thorough and detailed investigation," attorney Dave Fawcett, with Reed Smith law firm, said.
The investigation, according to Reed Smith attorneys, included numerous witnesses, video recordings, audio recordings and an account from Brown's roommate.
"What J.B. did that night that caused his death was also completely shocking to everyone. No one could've seen what occurred," said Fawcett.
According to investigators, in October of 2018, J.B. smashed a chair through a glass window in his campus dorm room and fell 16 stories to his death. A toxicology report later "revealed marijuana in his system."
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Attorneys for the university say there was no foul play involved and that this is not a case of police misconduct. They say to suggest that it is, is frustrating.
"There's absolutely no evidence that this was a case of police intimidating someone, a case of police using force or threats of force," Fawcett said.
Dannielle Brown, J.B.'s mom has requested, repeatedly, more information. The attorneys say there is now additional paperwork that she can review that provides more details on the case.
However, there is legal paperwork that must be completed before that can happen, the university says.
"We want to be very clear, the file is ready and waiting to be shared with Ms. Brown's team, as soon as her lawyer returns the proper paperwork," Jason Hazlewood, attorney for Reed Smith, said.
The university says they are also open to the independent investigation Brown's mom is requesting, but protocols need to be followed.
Read Duquesne University's full statement on the matter by clicking here.
Meanwhile, Duquesne University has been unable to determine if there was any other substance with the marijuana that was found in J.B.'s system. They don't know where the drugs came from, and say that part of the investigation is still open.
They asked anyone who knows anything about the case to come forward to their law enforcement officials or to Pittsburgh Police.