Leechburg Mayor And Councilman Say A Noose Was Found In Riverfront Park
ARMSTRONG COUNTY, Pa. (KDKA) -- Two city officials say a resident found a noose in Leechburg's Riverfront Park.
In a Facebook post, Councilman Chuck Pascal says a resident walking his dog found the noose. Pascal and Leechburg Mayor Wayne Dobos confirmed the news Wednesday to KDKA.
Neither man knew when the noose was found but thought it was Monday morning.
Pascal said on Facebook that it was "likely put there as a symbol or a message."
"We know that it was not being used as a swing, or anything legitimate. It wasn't tied securely enough to the tree for that purpose, and it was nowhere near the river," he said on Facebook.
Pascal continued on Facebook, saying he doesn't know "what specifically that message was intended to be, or to whom" but he considers it "an act of attempted racial intimidation."
"Leechburg will not tolerate intimidation based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any other basis. This is not who we are, it isn't what we stand for, and it isn't the Leechburg any of us want. We will continue to stand for a Leechburg which is an inclusive and welcoming community to all," he posted to Facebook. "We know that there are those among us who are racist, and have other prejudices which make them feel hate in their hearts for people who they think are "different" from them. Their thoughts are their own, but if their thoughts transfer into actions, they will be held accountable."
Mayor Dobos said if anyone has any information, call the Leechburg police at 724-842-8531.