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This Morning from CBS News, Oct. 5, 2016

Gentlemen, please

The Vice Presidential debate between Sen. Tim Kaine and Gov. Mike Pence was marked by interruptions. In fact, there were so many interruptions -- on both sides -- that CBSN’s Elaine Quijano, the debate’s moderator, was forced to intervene on a number of occasions. So who interrupted their sparring partner more, and what did it mean for the actual debate?

“Mission Accomplished” moment

The Republican National Committee (RNC) appeared to accidentally declare on its website Tuesday night that Mike Pence was the winner of the vice presidential debate, about two hours before the face-off was even slated to begin in Farmville, Va.

So who won?

CBS News Digital’s Will Rahn argues that Mike Pence won last night’s one and only vice presidential debate -- and handily so. But how did he do it, and could Donald Trump’s running mate’s strong performance have a real impact on the overall 2016 race for the White House?

Ohio offensive

In the neighborhoods of downtown Cincinnati, the Clinton campaign is gunning to register and turn out black voters at levels greater than Obama did in 2012. Black women may prove key to that effort, and any hope Clinton has of winning Ohio in the general election.

Hurricane Matthew

Florida residents are already lining up for gas and other supplies, and hurricane watches and tropical storm warnings have been issued for the state’s coast as Hurricane Matthew bears down. We take a look at how residents are preparing for the worst.

Baylor sex assault

The woman who was in charge of investigating sexual assault complaints at Baylor University is speaking out for the first time since stepping down. The university said she had been “disappointed in her role” implementing recommendations on the school’s handling of sexual assault allegations.  

Paralyzing illness

Health officials are searching for the cause of a polio-like illness that has struck in 24 states so far this year. Most of the victims are children. Though still rare, the illness, acute flaccid myelitis, appears to be on the rise and can lead to paralysis. Here’s what parents need to know to help reduce the risk.

How to be “brilliant”

Sure, you may not have a billion-dollar business loss to wipe out two decades of income taxes, but you can use some of the same tax provisions Trump did come April 15. All you have to be is an ordinary investor with $3,000 in losses from stock sales -- or a number of other options. Here’s how to claim what’s rightfully yours.

Arm transplant

More than 1,600 United States service members have lost limbs in the Middle East and Afghanistan. We’ve got an extraordinary story of hope about one former Marine sergeant who lost all four limbs in combat. Thanks to the arms of a stranger, many everyday tasks are again within reach.

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The push to keep job candidates’ salary history private

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Eggs recalled after salmonella outbreak in 3 states

Science and tech

Dubai mulls “hyperloop” for transit near the speed of sound

Device can read emotions by bouncing wireless signal off your body


Celebrities react to the vice presidential debate

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