You Can't Live Here If You Are Voting For Donald Trump
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (CBS4) - A landlord in Grand Junction is not breaking the law by refusing to lease an apartment to anyone who supports Donald Trump for president.
According to The Daily Sentinel in Grand Junction, Mark Holmes is renting out a two-bedroom apartment on Main Street, but he refuses to rent to anyone who supports Trump.
The ad prompted people who don't agree with his tactic to leave hate messages on Holmes' voicemail.
"I don't know what to do anymore about what's going on in this country," he told The Daily Sentinel. "It's just a mess."
Some thought Holmes was violating federal housing rules by discriminating against political affiliations, but that's not the case, according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
"That has nothing to do with the Fair Housing Act," HUD spokesman Jerry Brown told The Daily Sentinel. "But that seems to be a first, and it's original."
"He's preaching hate and he's preaching … a lot of venom, spit and vinegar. And I live in the top part of the house," Holmes said. "I don't want anybody that even thinks that Donald Trump can be a good president to live in my home."
Holmes said he's already got several applicants.