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Walter's Perspective: PAC Money The Big Winner In The Election

CHICAGO (CBS) -- We've been hearing it all night: the winner of the GOP primary election in Florida is the winner is Mitt Romney.

Or so it is in the news, but I don't buy it. I believe the winner is money; $18 million dollars that a group called Restore Our Future has slipped secretly into the Romney campaign, 20 times what's been slipped secretly into Newt Gingrich's campaign.

The secret "Super PACs" (political action committees) are spending obscene amounts of money on the primaries. In six weeks for Romney, an average $100,000 a day, every day has been spent by the pro-Romney PAC.

Just last week in Florida, it spent $150,000 a day, without one word about where the money's coming from. We don't know who the donors are, or what they might be expecting in return for supporting Romney.

But one thing fair to suspect is that – in the politics of elections – money and secrecy together are up to no good.

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