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William Barr


Barr gives boost to Trump's baseless claims

Attorney General William Barr has given President Trump's unsubstantiated allegations of voter fraud a boost by allowing prosecutors to go around long-standing policies to investigate allegations of fraud. Judges in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada have already rejected lawsuits backed by the Trump campaign, saying they presented no serious evidence. CBS News White House correspondent Paula Reid joins CBSN AM to discuss the campaign's legal strategy.


Former FBI agent on Trump's vulnerabilities

Former FBI deputy assistant director Peter Strzok says he and others are aware of classified information that could hurt the 2020 Trump campaign if it became public. Strzok led the FBI's 2016 investigation into Russian election interference before he was ousted. His new book, "Compromised: Counterintelligence and the Threat of Donald J. Trump" details his time at the FBI and his concerns about what the U.S. currently faces. He joined CBSN to discuss.

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