Tenants Who Housed Konias Speak Out
FORT LAUDERDALE, FLA. (KDKA) -- Ken Konias was arrested late Monday night and is currently in county jail in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., but before he was taken into custody he spent time at a house in Pompano Beach, Fla.
On Tuesday night, the people that live at that house spoke about his stay and uneventful arrest.
"He was supposed to be leaving off to Jamaica, I think, in less than four days, maybe," Diana Smith said. "Very soon. We were oblivious that he had killed anyone or shot anyone, taken any money. We didn't know anything about that.
"He was a friend of mine's boyfriend. So that's how he ended up in our home."
Smith also said Konias was vague about why he was in Florida.
"He and his friends got into a fight," Smith said in response to questions surrounding what Konias said while at the house. "…When he was here they pretty much stayed in the room the whole time."
Not hint was given that more than $1 million was stashed in a separate foot locker in an undisclosed location.
"I was appalled," said Smith of when she found out Konias' back story.
The tenants of the house deny that it is a crack house but say that Konias did use cocaine.
Konias could be on his way back to Pittsburgh within the week.
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