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How to keep your dog safe while taking it out in Pittsburgh's sub-zero temperatures

How to keep your dog safe while taking them out in sub-zero temperatures
How to keep your dog safe while taking them out in sub-zero temperatures 02:26

OHIO TOWNSHIP, Pa. (KDKA) — Sub-zero temperatures are difficult for people to deal with, but it can be challenging for pets too, especially dogs.

Experts say that animals should not be out in the kind of weather the Pittsburgh area is currently seeing, and they shouldn't, but sometimes they need to go for walks and bathroom breaks. 

Mo Carrier from the North Side spent the morning walking his pup, but he made sure his four-legged friend was ready with some suspender boots. 

"We upgraded to these boots a couple years ago and it's been working miracles," Carrier said. 

(Photo: KDKA)
(Photo: KDKA)

According to animal experts, Carrier is doing everything a good dog parent should.

"We really want to be careful with their paws. Just like with us, they can be exposed to the elements, get dried out, maybe crack open," said Katie Vecchi, the chief shelter operations officer at Animal Friends. 

Salt and other melt materials are tough on a dog's paws. 

As for how long dogs should be outside, Vecchi says, "Here at the shelter, we're really only taking the dogs out 5 or so minutes just so they can go out and do their business."

But for some animals, it may take a little longer. So in addition to footwear, a dog jacket is a good idea. 

While it is true some dogs are made for this kind of weather, Vecchi of Animal Friends says OK, but, "They're still not completely conditioned for being out there for long periods. Their coat isn't as thick as if they were permanently living outside."

Just like people, dogs will let you know when they're cold. They'll shiver and sometimes Vecchi says they'll just stop walking. 

"A lot of times dogs are very direct in their communication," Vecchi said. 

Also the smaller the animal, the more they're susceptible to cold weather injuries so keep that in mind. And if you have a cat that likes to go out, make sure there's a box with a blanket where they can get warm.

Once you get back inside from your walk or maybe before you go outside, make sure your dog has enough to eat and some good water because those calories will help generate heat and keep that animal nice and warm.

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