Giordano: Pres. Obama's Lack Of Attention To Immigration Crisis A Silver Lining At The Border
By Dom Giordano
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) -- There is a clear silver lining in the chaos and horrific situations that are occurring every day across our Southern border. This overreach by President Obama has dealt a serious blow to the movement to grant amnesty and ultimate citizenship to millions of people who are here illegally.
The things we've seen at the border and in many American towns that are resisting this surge will stick with us for a good period of time.
This bad situation has also underlined clearly the major forces that are trying to jam amnesty down the throats of the average American. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is probably the leading force. Tom Donahue, its President, spoke out in last two days to say that he still will try to get amnesty passed in the lame duck session of Congress following the 2014 elections. The Wall Street Journal has recently called for a constitutional amendment to say that we should not have any more borders.
Well-intentioned religions like the Catholic Church have said the moral high ground is with the people coming here illegally versus the protestors who are resisting. Of course, Democrats like Nancy Pelosi are trying to seize the moral high ground, and based on recent polls, have really misread the American public. They will pay at the polls in November.
I also see signs that African-Americans are speaking out about illegal immigration undercutting them in the workplace. Hopefully, they will pressure Democratic politicians to address the fact that U.S. companies exploiting illegals lowers wages for American workers.
It's true that it appears next to impossible to even get President Obama's full attention on this crisis. That is troubling, but it only undercuts the movement to wave a magic wand and grant amnesty. That is a big silver lining.