Woman Chases Tip Thief As Grab And Run Thefts Plague Williamsburg
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- She worked hard for the money, and wasn't about to let it go easily.
A Brooklyn woman was caught on camera chasing a thief for four blocks before losing him. As CBS2's Lou Young reported, it was the latest in a series of grab and run thefts in Williamsburg.
Security footage from Action Burger, at 292 Graham Ave. in Williamsburg, shows a guy at the counter asking to use the restroom. On his way out he grabs the jar of money as the manager's back is turned.
Lea Alvarez, 22, gave chase.
"I don't know what I was thinking, that I need that for car parts," she said.
The tough young woman is rebuilding her own car and planning a trip to Japan. The tip jar was labeled "Japan Fund."
"I was pissed. Like, I tried so hard to get that money, and I had money there from the previous day, so there was a decent amount," she said, "I was like, if I catch him I'm just going to fight him. I was so, I was just ready for it."
Alvarez said she's especially angry because it's happened before. Once, she even caught a guy with his hand right in the jar.
Customers are outraged.
"Like, it's a tip jar. Just leave the friggin' tip jar alone," Samantha Pau said.
There have been so many tip jar thefts in this part of Brooklyn that many businesses have decided to put the jar back behind the counter where they're hard to reach, but they're also easy to ignore if they're back there.
Action Burger said the tip jar will remain up front, but they're going to take security measures.
"Right now, we put some Velcro at the bottom to make it so you can't lift it like that. Then we're putting a cap that's cut out so if you stick your hand in there then you might get cut," owner Vlane Carter said.
Or, you could meet Lea's angry side. She was not worried when CBS2's Young she told her she could have gotten hurt.
"I think I can hold my own," she said.
She's building the stolen money back, a buck at a time.