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The Point: Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, Assemblyman Mike Lawler go head-to-head in redrawn Hudson Valley district

Exclamation Point: Maloney and Lawler answer voters' questions
Exclamation Point: Maloney and Lawler answer voters' questions 09:18

The Point

It's the race to represent Hudson Valley voters in New York's redrawn 17th congressional district.

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, a Democrat, stunned some when he decided to switch districts. Was it a bold move or will his Republican challenger make him wish he didn't?

The Point: Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney trying to sway voters in new district 09:52

Republican Assemblyman Mike Lawler, challenging Maloney, is the man who introduced a bill in Albany to take Mario Cuomo's name off the Tappan Zee Bridge. He said if he gets to go to Washington, he won't walk away from any fight. 

The Point: GOP Assemblyman Mike Lawler running to unseat Democrat Maloney 09:28

Your Point

Residents in the 17th congressional district have strong views about the problems in the nation and their district. They're weighing in this week. 

Your Point: Hudson Valley voters on most important issues facing country 02:24

Exclamation Point

Rep. Maloney and Assemblyman Lawler answer questions from voters in the Hudson Valley exclusively on CBS News New York. 

Exclamation Point: Maloney and Lawler answer voters' questions 09:18

"The Point with Marcia Kramer" airs every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. on CBS2, right after "Face the Nation." Then turn to CBS News New York at noon for an extended conversation in the "Exclamation Point." 

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