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Study: Disconnect From Technology To Turn Up Spark In Relationship

TENAFLY, N.J. (CBSNewYork) - Could your love affair with technology be impacting your romantic relationship?

As CBS 2's Cindy Hsu reported, while a lot of people rely on texting and the Internet to keep their lives running smoothly, a new study finds too much technology could be hurting your love life.

"You're trying to have a conversation with somebody and it's 'oh yeah, yeah...OK sure,'" one woman said.

"A lot of times the husband's on Facebook, the wife is on Facebook, one is texting a kid," another woman told Hsu.

A recent study by Brigham Young University found too much technology can cause problems with your love life.

The study, published in the Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, found women were not happy when their partners sent text messages to apologize, work out differences or make decisions.

For men, their biggest complaint was their partner texting too frequently.

LINK: Read The Full Study

Siggy Flicker is a relationship expert and used to work on her computer around the clock until all that online time started hurting her own relationship.

"It's 9, 10 o'clock don't you think that it's time to put it away," Flicker's husband Michael Campanella told Hsu.

"At first I was very defensive. I was addicted to it and I enjoy it so much and when he said, 'well, what about me,'" said Flicker.

But then she said she understood and together they came up with some house rules to find more together time.

"So now at a certain time, her computer's off, my computer's off. So now we have time alone," said Campanella.

"They also try to go out on a date night once a week and reconnect every day.

"So now I make it a point that when Michael walks in the the door, I sit with him, we have a cup of coffee or we have a glass of wine together, we chat," Flicker told Hsu.

They say while it took some time to disconnect from all that technology, it's now a lot easier and better for their relationship.

The couple also noticed their children getting too wrapped up in technology, so they now have family rules such as no cell phones at the dinner table and no video games during the week.

The study found men and women agree that expressing affection via text enhances the relationship.

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