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Slush Sending Elderly Patients To Emergency Room

NEW YORK (CBS 2) -- We all have to deal with slushy sidewalks these days, but for some it can be life-threatening.

Some hospital emergency rooms are treating large numbers of elderly slip and fall patients.

The most common injuries are to the hand, elbow and shoulder, for people who used their arms to try and break a fall.

And more disturbing are head injuries for those whose reflexes were not fast enough.

"They're more prone to fall we're seeing more old people with orthopedic injuries and head trauma," said E.R. Dr. Michael Stern of New York-Presbyterian Hospital. "Even if the territory looks clear you can succumb to areas that are very, very slippery."

Dr. Stern said take extra care and move slowly.

Also, you need to make sure you're wearing footwear that doesn't easily slip.

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