Port Authority Police Officers Recount Coming To Rescue Of Elderly Man In Ireland
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Port Authority Police Officers Matthew Thomas and Matthew Gilhooley were traveling in the southern part of Ireland earlier this week, when they stopped at a pub to get something to eat.
"As we were actually just placing our order, we noticed an elderly male fall off of his chair onto the floor," Gilhooley told WCBS 880's Mike Smeltz after the ordeal.
Gilhooley said they both ran over to the man to check his heart rate, but were unable to get a pulse. The officers then began giving the man CPR, as well as using a defibrillator to try to shock the man back to life.
"We checked his pulse, and he did have a pulse and he was starting to breathe on his own," Thomas said.
Local authorities then arrived and took the 71-year-old man safely to the hospital.
When asked whether he considers them heroes, Thomas pushed back.
"No. I mean, it's something we train for. Any moment's notice, you could be called to assist, even though we're on vacation," he said.
According to the Port Authority PBA, officers Thomas and Gilhooley have each been members of the PAPD for four years and are both certified first responders trained in CPR and the use of a defibrillator.