'Nice Jewish Guys' Calendar Gets Challenge From 'Naughty Jewish Boys'
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - A naughty vs. nice legal battle of biblical proportions may be brewing.
As CBS 2's Jessica Schneider reported, the founder of the "Nice Jewish Guys" calendar claims the man behind the yet-to-be-released "Naughty Jewish Boys" calendar ripped off his idea.
"Jewish men are worth looking at as sexy men," Duncan Pflaster of "Naughty Jewish Boys" told Schneider.
Pflaster isn't Jewish, but said he's on a mission to create a calendar that showcases the sexier side of the Jewish faith.
"When I saw the Nice Jewish Guys calendar that came out a few years ago, I was disappointed that it was more nice guys in sweaters who you could take home to your mom," said Pflaster. "And not as beefcake as I would've expected."
He's been working for the past three weeks to photograph shirtless men lighting the menorah and posing with the torah.
Pflaster posted an ad for models on Craigslist and said he was blown away by the number of inquiries he received.
"I still am getting lots and lots of applicants who would like to model for this," he told Schneider.
The calendar is still in the works, but the creator of the "Nice Jewish Guys" calendar said he started the original back in 2009 and wants to cut out the copycats.
"I want to protect that. I own that brand, I worked really hard to establish this calendar and establish a huge international audience and I have a right to protect that," said creator Adam Cohen.
Cohen's attorneys have issued a stop and desist order to the Naughty Jewish Boys website.
But Cohen said it's more about preserving an image rarely seen.
"I was kind of looking at something as an antidote to all these chiseled firemen on the covers of calendars or all these hotties in bikinis. And me being a nice Jewish guy, I was always overlooked," said Cohen.
For now, "Naughty Jewish Boys" is still accepting applicants.
Attorneys for the "Naughty Jewish Boys" calendar say there is no case for trademark infringement and added the calendar will move forward with its expected summer release date.
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