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Mamaroneck contractor charged with homicide for construction worker's death in 2021 trench collapse

Mamaroneck contractor charged with homicide for construction worker's death
Mamaroneck contractor charged with homicide for construction worker's death 01:55

MAMARONECK, N.Y. -- A contractor was charged with homicide for alleged safety lapses that contributed to the death of a worker, a first-of-its-kind prosecution in Westchester County

In May 2021, a 9-foot-deep trench collapsed behind a mansion under construction in Mamaroneck and buried construction worker Jose Vega. 

"The rules are there, the procedures, safety procedures are there to prevent tragedies like this one," said Westchester County District Attorney Mimi Rocah. 

Rocah charged construction supervisor Michael Conway with criminally negligent homicide after a two-year investigation. 

Conway allegedly failed to ensure protection was in place to safeguard against collapse as the trench went deeper into the ground. 

It's the first time a worker fatality has led to criminal charges in Westchester, where there are hundreds of construction sites. 

"This is crucial because underscores the importance of holding employers accountable for workplace safety," said Marco Bohorquez, a worker advocate. 

At the Community Resource Center in Mamaroneck, many constructions workers from migrant communities report worries about unsafe job sites. 

"They feel pressure to work unsafely," said Bohorquez. 

"The workers are people at ever one of those sites and deserve to be protected," said Rocah. 

"It's our position this was a tragic accident that took place," said Conway's defense attorney Richard Ferrante. 

Conway appeared before a judge Friday and was released on $25,000 bond. Ferrante told a judge there's evidence he was not the supervisor in charge of the job site. 

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