New Year, New Deals: Best Buys For January
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – The new year is starting with some great deals for shoppers.
If you have the storage space, now is the time to stock up on Christmas decorations for next year. Everything from ornaments to wrapping paper are deeply discounted.
There are also some great deals on items you can use right away.
All shopped out from the holiday season? Shopping expert Trae Bodge from says don't let that stop you from cashing in this month.
"If you have it in you to go out and shop in the stores, maybe you have some returns to make, there are good sales in January," she said.
Did your New Year's resolution involve getting healthy, losing weight, maybe working out more? Well now's the time to cash in on deep discounts in the "new year, new you" category.
"If you're looking at a new gym membership, look at your local gyms and see what they're offering. Be sure to read the fine print and make sure you're not signing your life away," said Bodge.
Sales will also stretch into the fitness apparel and gear categories, as well.
Shoppers can also expect deep discounts in the men's department.
"The sales are between 20 percent all the way through clearance level. So we're seeing, say $20 off $100 at Men's Warehouse or Joseph A. Bank, and then we're seeing more clearance-level deals at places like Top Man and Destination XL," Bodge said.
It's also time for the annual White Sale at almost all stores that sell bedding.
"White Sales have been going around since the 1800s. So any retailer that offers linens of bath products you will see sales there. We're seeing sales from Bed Bath & Beyond, Nordstrom, Macy's, Target, Walmart," said Bodge.
But if the discount is anything less than 20 percent off, move on – there are better deals out there.
Finally, if you missed out on getting a new TV during Black Friday or Cyber Monday when sales are the best, there's the week before the Super Bowl.
"You will see some good deals leading up to the Super Bowl, which is in early February this year. I'm seeing deals already from Walmart, Costco, Sam's Club," Bodge said. "Deals will heat up throughout the month."
If you're looking to upgrade your computer, experts say you should wait for February and the sales around President's Day.