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Gov. Cuomo Seeks Opinion On Tenure, Caps On Charter Schools

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - Gov. Andrew Cuomo is stepping up his war of words with the teachers' union.

As WCBS 880's Paul Murnane reported, in a letter from the governor's office, Cuomo is seeking opinion on tenure, caps on charter schools and teacher evaluations from outgoing Education Commissioner John King, and Regents Chancellor Merryl Tisch.

Gov. Cuomo Seeks Opinion On Tenure, Caps On Charter Schools

Mike Mulgrew at the United Federation of Teachers says the letter seems right out of the playbook of hedgefunders who poured money into the Cuomo campaign.

But James Merriman at the NYC Charter School Center likes the tone.

"You have the governor, who cares deeply about public education, Chancellor Tisch and Commissioner King having a public conversation about how we make our public schools better," he said,

Mulgrew calls an expansion of charters a "Hunger Games approach."

However Merriman says parents are looking for good schools and he'd rather listen to the voices of parents.

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