Coronavirus Update: Nutritionist Says Put Back Comfort Foods, Stock Up On Proteins, Fruits And Vegetables
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- It's an uncertain time, but we still need to stay healthy with exercise and diet.
Nutritionist Dr. Felicia Stoler has some advice on how to eat well when you're stuck inside.
First, even though you might be tempted to buy some comfort food, think about foods that are good for your immune system, like proteins.
"But it doesn't have to be a whole big piece of beef or a whole big piece of fish. It can things like be beans and legumes, and we don't necessarily need large portions of that. We can have smaller portions of that and we can take that and extend that," she said.
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Stoler also says stocking up on fruits and vegetables "is really key."
"You know, there are five colors of the rainbow. I encourage people to eat five different colored fruits and vegetables and not get a bag of Skittles right now," Stoler said.
If you're worried about the shelf life of fruits and vegetables, Stoler says to considered dried fruits and frozen, canned or dried vegetables.
"Whatever it is you can do to support putting good food back into your body is really critical at this time," she said.
Put back the bottles of soda, Stoler says, and drink water instead.
"This is not the time to be loading up on empty calories or candies," she said.
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Stoler pointed out it's especially critical to make sure that elderly people and those with disabilities aren't becoming malnourished during this isolating time.
"We take for granted that I can open up jars, cans, and I know how to cook. There are people who have limitations in their mobility and their ability to open up packages," Stoler said.
Check up on loved ones and neighbors to make sure they're OK and ask if you can help or if they have access to resources like Meals On Wheels.