Brooklyn House Is New York City's First Made All Of Shipping Containers
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Would you live in a shipping container?
As CBS 2's Emily Smith reported Monday, some people live in the containers around the world, and now, New York City has its first house made entirely of them.
The home on Keap Street in Brooklyn was constructed by stacking six shipping containers vertically. Inside, there are 1,400 square feet of simple elements, including concrete floors and exposed pipes.
David Boyle, who owns the home, said the house cost about $300,000 to construct – not including the lost time with getting permits.
"New Jersey has a zillion shipping containers," Boyle said. "They are looking for things to do with them."
The Boyles received their containers from Port of Newark. Shipping containers can be found sitting empty at ports around the world.
The containers are fireproof, mold proof, and easy to assemble. Most of them are made from the same material as guard rails.
"They put them up in three hours," Boyle said. "If you went to work in the morning and there was nothing, and came back for lunch, there is a building."
Making the interior of the shipping container house suitable was not easy. But now, it is the Boyles' trophy home, complete with a bedroom suite and rooftop deck.
Boyle does not plan to change or cover the exterior of the house. He is proud to live in the shipping container and even kept a label on, which says one of the containers was manufactured in 2000 in Singapore.
Buyers do not pick out their own shipping containers, because they are all the same and any port will ship them for free. The ports just want to get rid of the abundance of them.
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