Subway Slasher Has Bronx Straphangers Keeping Vigilant
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) -- Subway riders in the Bronx are being much more alert of their surroundings as a subway slasher remained at large Thursday.
Police said a young woman has been attacking fellow passengers on 4 trains at random. Police have plastered train stations along the line with a sketch of the suspect based on the victims' descriptions.
"I can't even imagine that happening to me. I mean like being on the train and somebody coming up to you and slashing your face," Shimiqua Coward told CBS 2's Lou Young.
1010 WINS' John Montone reports: Subway Riders On High Alert
Police said the first unprovoked attack happened September 6 around 4:20 p.m. A 19-year-old woman was sitting on the 4 train when the suspect, wearing clear plastic gloves, took out some sort of sharp object and slashed the victim across the face. Six days later, police said, it happened again on the 4 train. That time the victim was an 18-year-old female.
Witnesses described the suspect as Black or Hispanic between 17 and 25-years-old, standing nearly 5'5" and weighing almost 165 pounds.
Passengers are urged to take a good, long look at the sketch police provided and they are doing so.
"Wow, I'm definitely going to remember that face," a woman told CBS 2's Kristin Thorne when she looked at the sketch.
"Everything happens in the daytime now -- people really don't care anymore. So it's just sad, it just makes me feel a little scared for my safety sometimes," Kima Green said.
In a crime with no apparent motive, people here are hoping the pattern is over and that the slasher may know she is being sought.
"She might just stop right there to avoid getting caught," Frank Montgomery told Young.
"It's definitely something with a gang," said straphanger Bebay Sibidey, of Inwood.
Police said they're not ruling that angle out.
Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS (8477). The public can also submit their tips by logging onto Crime Stoppers' website at or by texting their tips to CRIMES (274637), then enter TIP577.
All calls are strictly confidential.
Are you surprised by the gender of the alleged slasher? Sound off in our comments section below…