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Bronx Bias Attack Suspects Head Back To Court

NEW YORK (CBS 2 / WCBS 880) -- Police in the Bronx were expecting a ninth suspect to surrender to face charges in a violent anti-gay attack Monday.

LISTEN: WCBS 880's Monica Miller reports

Investigators said two teens and a 30-year-old man were taken to a vacant house in Morris Heights earlier this month, tied up, sodomized and tortured.

On Sunday, eight other suspects made no plea at their first court appearance. Ruddy Vargas-Perez, 22, remained at large.

Police said they're part of a gang called the Latin King Goonies, but an attorney said the suspects were just friends who were hanging out drinking.

"These accusations are serious. I take them seriously, but I'm an attorney. I have a job to do and the system has to work for everybody, even those charged with the most serious crimes, or we have no system," said defense attorney Paul Horowitz.

All of the suspects were still in jail.

Bail was set for two of them at $50,000. The others were all being held without bail.

All were due back in court on Thursday.

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