Alphabet City Residents Furious Over Noise Coming From Nearby 7-11
NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) -- It is quite literally the city that never sleeps for residents of Westminster in the East Village.
Tenants filed complaints over noisy air conditioner and refrigerator units that cool the 7-11 convenience store on Avenue A.
They told CBS 2 that they haven't been able to rest at night since the store opened last year. The building management company likewise complained about the units.
"For too many months, Westminster's concerns about 7-11's noisy units fell on deaf ears. We completely agree with local residents – the units installed and owned by 7-11 need to be moved, and we're working to make sure it happens," a spokesman for Westminster management said.
The store has received violations from the city along with a cease and desist order, but still residents toss and turn.
"It sounds like, in some apartments, you're living in a wind tunnel," said state Sen. Brad Hoylman (D-Manhattan.)
"We've had to move out of our bedrooms on the third floor, as well as the first floor, in order to be free of the noise," another tenant added.
In a statement, 7-11 said that it has been working with the landlord of the property to resolve the issue.
The landlord was scheduled to appear at a hearing of the environmental control board to present a plan for relocating the refrigeration units.
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