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Minnesota apples featured at Trump's inaugural luncheon, as Sen. Amy Klobuchar gives pre-lunch speech

Trump inauguration luncheon begins
Trump inauguration luncheon begins with invocation 08:28

WASHINGTON — The inaugural luncheon, which took place around 90 minutes after the official swearing-in of President Trump Monday, featured apples from Minnesota.

The apples were used for the luncheon's dessert — an apple icebox terrine with sour cream ice cream and salted caramel, according to CBS News. Chesapeake crab cake, Angus ribeye steak and wine were also listed on the menu. 

Democratic Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar spoke prior to lunch being served. Below is a full transcript of her remarks.

"Mr. President and madam first lady, Mr. Vice President and madam second lady, my colleague, Senator Fisher, distinguished guests, including the Speaker Leader Jeffries and Senate leaders Thune and Schumer. On behalf of the United States Congress, welcome to the 60th Inaugural Lunch. 

"Big surprise, we are featuring Nebraska beef and Minnesota apples for dessert. 

"We are here in Statuary Hall where these luncheons have taken place since President Reagan's first inauguration in 1981 and where the House of Representatives once met over 150 years ago, that would be before you were born, Mr. Speaker. In 1864, after the new house wing of the Capitol was built, and in the midst of the Civil War, Congress dedicated this chamber to host statues chosen by every state. 

"Walking into the hall, we all passed under the arch holding the marble car of history clock. The statue shows Cleo, the Greek muse of history, holding a book to record events as they happen. And as you can see, she's heard a lot of stuff, and as she rides her chariot forward into the future, she looks behind her to remember the past. She remains here, as she has for hundreds of years, a reminder that history will remember the events of the present, and it is on us to write that history right now. 

"Speaking of art, the painting right here before you, I chose this painting for this lunch this summer, and it's titled American Horizon. It's by Jane Wilson, who grew up on her family farm in Seymour, Iowa, coming from the middle of our country. Senator Fischer and I both like the painting because the artist is from America's Heartland, but the horizon could easily be Florida, Mr. President. I will also note that this is the first time in history we are featuring the work of a woman artist at this lunch, and we thank the Art Institute of Chicago for their assistance. Looking at the vast open landscape of this painting, we're drawn to the bottom of the frame, where the land, or the water, depending on where you're from, meets the sky and the horizon endures. The enduring horizon is especially meaningful for us today as we mark our enduring democracy, as we approach its 250th anniversary. It's a reminder that what's over the horizon is our next chapter, and it is my prayer that the people in this room can write that chapter together. 

"I'd now like to ask U.S. Senate chaplain, Dr. Barry Black, and we thank God he is back with us and in good health, to deliver the invocation. After which, lunch will be served. Thank you."

The painting American Horizon was picked by Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar to display during President Trump's inaugural luncheon. CBS News

Klobuchar also spoke prior to Trump being sworn in. Click here for the full transcript of that speech.

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