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Woman arrested after pursuit over Colorado mountain pass, crash

35-year-old from Denver arrested after pursuit over mountain pass and crash
35-year-old from Denver arrested after pursuit over mountain pass and crash 00:35

Deputies from Grand County chased a Denver woman Friday for 40 miles before she crashed into a snowbank on a mountain highway. 

That driver, 35-year-old Alexis Lanier, first evaded police in Kremmling, according to police. Later, she resisted deputies' attempts to spin out her vehicle and flatten her tires as she fled toward Steamboat Springs.  

The hour-long pursuit reached speeds up to 90 mph over Rabbit Ears Pass.

Alexis Lanier following her arrest Friday. Grand County Sheriff's Office

It began when Grand County dispatchers received a call at 2:20 p.m. from a long-time resident and general contractor who was working on a job site near Kremmling. The resident/contractor described a woman, possibly under the influence of alcohol or drugs, who approached him and tried to sell him tools. The resident/contractor was suspicious the tools were stolen and provided a description of the woman's car and its license plate. 

Grand County Sheriff's Office deputies and a Kremmling police officer found the car a short time later in a business parking lot in Kremmling. As they tried to contact the woman in the car, she drove off, nearly striking one of the patrol cars, according to a GCSO press release. 

The woman drove away at high speed and immediately ran a stop sign to enter Highway 40, per the press release. She continued westbound through Kremmling on Highway 40 also running a red light at the intersection of Highway 40 and Highway 9.

Grand County deputies attempted to spin out the vehicle and flatten its tires with 'stop sticks' as they chased the woman's Honda Accord west. None of those attempts were successful.

Routt and Jackson County deputies and the Colorado State Patrol were notified of the incident. Routt County put deputies in place outside Steamboat Springs who were ready with more tire-deflation strips.

But about 12 miles before entering Steamboat Springs, the woman's car - with "bald tires," as GCSO described - failed to negotiate a curve at high speed. After losing control and hitting the snowbank, Lanier was taken into custody. 

The scene Friday were Alexis Lanier lost control of her car while being pursued by law enforcement outside Steamboat Springs.  Grand County Sheriff's Office

Lanier was jailed on nine charges, including felony eluding, DUI, possession of drug paraphernalia and not having a valid driver's license or proof of insurance. 

"All too common in today's society, the rule of law is questioned, which ultimately puts our communities at risk from those who choose to put their own agendas at the forefront over the safety of other citizens," Grand County Sheriff Brett Schroetlin stated in the press release. "Had Ms. Lanier simply cooperated with deputies in the Dollar General parking lot, this incident would never have impacted our roadways and put our citizens in danger."  

Grand County investigators are now trying to contact anyone who may have purchased tools from Lanier or spoken with her earlier in the day. 

Lanier has eight felony arrests and six misdemeanor arrests in the Denver metro area since 2013. She is scheduled to appear Monday in Grand County court. 

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