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Hazmat Teams: 'No Hazard Found' Residents Can Return Home

WHEAT RIDGE, Colo. (CBS4)- A foul odor that caused problems for a neighborhood in Wheat Ridge that lasted from Thursday night until Friday afternoon apparently is not hazardous.

Authorities lifted all evacuations and road closures in the 11600 block of West 44th Avenue at 2 p.m. Friday.

The situation started on Thursday night when a hazardous materials crew from the Arvada Fire Department was called to evaluate a situation in a shed.

Six people were treated on Thursday night and two were admitted to the hospital.

The investigation centered on a property with a red house and a shed in the 11600 block of West 44th Avenue.

Firefighters initially warned residents in a 14-block radius to leave their homes if they felt sick.

The roads were closed along W. 44th Ave. from Robb Street to Tabor Street.

A hazmat team from Buckley Air Force Base also responded to help determine what is causing the odor.

No hazard was found and the all clear was given at 2 p.m. All residents were allowed to return and road closures were lifted.

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