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Safe Alternative Foundation Teaching People Of All Ages Virtually During COVID-19 Pandemic

BALTIMORE (WJZ) -- In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, students across the country are learning from home using Zoom and FaceTime to succeed academically.

Safe Alternative Foundation in west Baltimore has been around for a few years now, helping students achieve academic success outside of the classrooms with one-on-one sessions, and even after school programs.


During the course of this pandemic, however, it has been tough to do that. So, they have turned to weekly Zoom sessions.

It's a new campaign they started called "Together We Can." It's classes that are offered for all ages with different programs every single week; virtual music programs, live workouts, virtual poetry and meaningful conversations, all while staying safely inside.

The founder of this campaign said it is crucial to continue to be there for these children.

"It's a way to keep families engaged," Van Brooks, of Safe Alternative, said. "Physically, mentally, and keep students engaged academically. It's also a way families can explore different things and learn new topics that they may not have learned before."

This program is offered to people of all ages. If you would like more information about this campaign, visit

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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