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Coronavirus Latest: With Nearly 1.1K COVID-19 Deaths Reported In Maryland, Hospitalizations Slightly Decrease

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) -- There are at least 23,472 cases of coronavirus in Maryland, according to new numbers released Friday morning.

That's an increase of 1,730 people testing positive since Thursday. There are also at least 1,098 deaths reported in the state with an additional 94 probable deaths.

A total of 4,718 people have been hospitalized for the virus overtime with 1,688 still hospitalized. Of those in the hospital, 568 remain in the ICU. The number of hospitalizations did slightly decrease from Thursday from 1,711 as well as the number of people in the ICU went down by just over 20 people.

Gov. Larry Hogan said he is closely monitoring hospitalization numbers to decide when the state should reopen.

There have been a total of 97,500 negative tests and more than 1,500 were released from isolation.

As for where coronavirus is most prevalent in the state, Montgomery and Prince George's county remain at the top of the list.

The zip codes with the most cases are as follows:

  • 20783, 735 cases, Prince George's
  • 20906, 477 cases, Montgomery
  • 20706, 439 cases, Prince George's
  • 20904, 413 cases, Montgomery
  • 20902, 408 cases, Montgomery


A breakdown of the numbers:

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 118 (7)
Anne Arundel 1,807 (82) 8*
Baltimore City 2,162 (106) 9*
Baltimore County 3,013 (116) 13*
Calvert 161 (9)
Caroline 74
Carroll 460 (46)
Cecil 176 (8)
Charles 611 (44) 2*
Dorchester 54 (2)
Frederick 942 (49) 7*
Garrett 4
Harford 437 (9) 6*
Howard 896 (18) 1*
Kent 86 (4)
Montgomery 4,754 (236) 26*
Prince George's 6,735 (231) 12*
Queen Anne's 52 (7)
St. Mary's 159 (7)
Somerset 30
Talbot 35 (1)
Washington 216 (4)
Wicomico 425 (7)
Worcester 65 (2) 1*
Data not available (103) 9*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 330
10-19 652
20-29 2,742 (8)
30-39 4,025 (14) 1*
40-49 4,226 (28) 2*
50-59 4,242 (68) 8*
60-69 3,215 (164) 11*
70-79 2,181 (259) 14*
80+ 1,859 (453) 51*
Data not available (104) 7*
Female 12,500 (531) 51*
Male 10,972 (567) 43*

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 8,093 (436) 30*
Asian (NH) 475 (38) 3*
White (NH) 5,147 (436) 51*
Hispanic 3,884 (69) 3*
Other (NH) 840 (16)
Data not available 5,033 (103) 7*

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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