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Coronavirus Latest: Hospitalizations Remain Flat, COVID-19 Cases Rise To Over 30K In Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (WJZ) --  There are now more than 30,000 cases of coronavirus reported in the state of Maryland, according to new numbers released by the state Friday morning. The good news: hospitalizations remain flat.

There's a total of 30,485 cases of COVID-19 reported in the state of Maryland. Those numbers are up 1,111 since Thursday.

More than 1,450 lives have been taken due to the virus as well. There are 107 probable deaths also reported.

But there's some good news, the flattening of the curve continues in Maryland.

Hospitalizations remained flat for another day with 1,674 currently in the hospital, which is slightly down from Thursday when there were 1,683. Of the total, 571 remain in intensive care.

Throughout the pandemic 5,811 have been hospitalized across the state of which 2,041 have been released from isolation.

There have also been more than 121,700 negative test results in Maryland.

The most cases of coronavirus are in Prince George's County and Montgomery County and the data by zip codes reflect that. The only Baltimore zip code in the top 10 is 21224 which includes the Patterson Park area.

Deaths have been reported in every Maryland county except Caroline, Garrett and Somerset.


A breakdown of the numbers:

By County

County Cases Deaths
Allegany 143 (12)
Anne Arundel 2,290 (105) 10*
Baltimore City 2,941 (146) 9*
Baltimore County 3,763 (162) 15*
Calvert 191 (10) 1*
Caroline 107
Carroll 542 (56)
Cecil 211 (13)
Charles 716 (51) 3*
Dorchester 86 (2)
Frederick 1,182 (64) 6*
Garrett 5
Harford 572 (20) 4*
Howard 1,138 (26) 1*
Kent 98 (8)
Montgomery 6,316 (324) 31*
Prince George's 8,901 (323) 16*
Queen Anne's 70 (9)
St. Mary's 207 (8)
Somerset 41
Talbot 55 (1)
Washington 259 (7)
Wicomico 553 (15)
Worcester 98 (2) 1*
Data not available (89) 10*

By Age Range and Gender

Age/Gender Cases Deaths
0-9 486
10-19 969
20-29 3,848 (10) 1*
30-39 5,376 (17) 2*
40-49 5,468 (35) 3*
50-59 5,311 (90) 8*
60-69 3,972 (220) 12*
70-79 2,666 (356) 15*
80+ 2,389 (635) 56*
Data not available (90) 10*
Female 16,038 (706) 58*
Male 14,447 (747) 49*

By Race and Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Cases Deaths
African-American (NH) 10,165 (595) 38*
Asian (NH) 631 (48) 3*
White (NH) 6,695 (598) 51*
Hispanic 6,067 (101) 5*
Other (NH) 1,107 (17)
Data not available 5,820 (94) 10*

For the latest information on coronavirus go to the Maryland Health Department's website or call 211. You can find all of WJZ's coverage on coronavirus in Maryland here.

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