State Senate Candidates Jane Kim And Scott Wiener Go On The Offensive
SAN FRANCISCO (KPIX 5) -- Two San Francisco supervisors vying for a seat in the California Senate, are going on the offensive.
From a Taekwondo-trained candidate to endorsements from drag queens, one would be hard pressed to find another place in America running political ads quite like San Francisco's hotly contested 11th State Senate race between fellow liberals Jane Kim and Scott Wiener.
Kim has bucked the Mayor's call to sweep tents from city sidewalks and questioned city spending on the Superbowl.
Wiener is more of a team player and he if he loses there will be no gay or lesbian representative from San Francisco in the legislature.
Former Mayor Art Agnos says, "One candidate comes from the establishment and Jane Kim comes from a more disruptive constituency."
Wiener says, "I've been able to deliver."
And as is often the case - when candidates agree on most issues - the only thing left to attack is each other.
Like an ad slamming Kim for having voted to keep former Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi on the job after he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor domestic violence.
But Kim's kicking back with her own charges, by advertising that Wiener opposed new protections for renters.
And as the punches fly - we were able to clearly establish one fact.
"I do have a black belt in Taekwondo," Kim says.