Pittsburgh area braces for potential of more tornadoes on Saturday
FINLEYVILLE, Pa. (KDKA) -- With the potential for more dangerous storms on Saturday, many areas are preparing.
A couple weeks ago, a devastating storm hit Finleyville. It taught Washington County leaders and other emergency officials some valuable lessons.
When the tornado ripped through Finleyville in May, it was a stunning and eye-opening event for Washington County officials, including county Commissioner Nick Sherman.
"People need to take this very seriously. We need to make sure that we're paying attention to the warnings," Sherman said.
That tornado is one of the many reasons officials are keeping an eye on the sky this weekend.
"We have the ability to set up a central command. We know these storms are coming, we've delt with this before, and we're poised and ready should there be an incident," Sherman said.
And to make sure people are aware of the danger, emergency officials said if you got a phone, keep it nearby because if there's a warning there may not be a lot of time to act.
"They touch down in an instant," said Sherman.
"Don't take anything for granted, it could happen at any time," said Kurt Becker, whose home was damaged in May. .
What do you need to prepare for storms?
If you find yourself or your home in the crosshairs of a storm, the first thing you should do is get to a low area. Get away from doors and windows. If you live an apartment or don't have a basement, get as many walls as possible between you and the outdoors.
You should take a few things with you like flashlights, batteries, your phone, a few charging packs and bottled water.
And make sure you know where your insurance paperwork is just in case the worst case scenario becomes a reality.