While Pennsylvanians Like Punxsutawney Phil, Vast Majority Don't Trust His Predictions
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Groundhog Day is next Monday, and it turns out Pennsylvanians are pretty found of Punxsutawney Phil.
What they're not fond of, however, are his predictions.
According to new research from Public Policy Polling, 59% of Pennsylvanians say they like Phil, and only 12% have a negative opinion of him.
And fondness for Phil crosses party lines, with 61% of Democrats, 56% of Republicans and 60% of independents viewing him positively.
Despite our affection for the cute little groundhog, only 8% think whether he sees his shadow or not can be counted on to determine whether winter will stretch on.
While residents of Pa. might not think Phil has any scientific value, they do think he's worth more than members of Congress: 50% say he'd do a better job than most of the current members.
The survey wasn't all about Phil, though. Another interesting finding? Steelers fans outnumber Eagles fans in the Keystone State, 42/31. Sorry, Birds.
For more on the Pa. poll, click here.