'Very Philly Wedding': Gritty Crashes Wedding In Northern Liberties
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PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — A googly-eyed, unexpected guest made a grand entrance at a wedding in the Northern Liberties section of the city on Friday night. The 7-foot, orange giant that answers by the name of Gritty surprised the bride and groom at the Cescaphe Ballroom on N. 2nd Street.
In one of the videos shared on Twitter, guests can be heard bursting out into applause as the goofy mascot makes his way to give the groom and the bride, Heather and Karl Schwemlein, big hugs. He then follows those hugs up with some impressive moves with the bride.
"The bride, Heather Grossmuller and her father, Ray, are big Flyers fans," explains her cousin, Stephanie, who was front row at the bridesmaids' table when Gritty made his appearance. "Once Gritty came onto, you know everywhere, Heather was instantly really into him. They were always joking it would be cool if he would come to the wedding."
Surprisingly, Heather's father managed to organize the surprise, which has gone viral on social media.
Gritty attended the wedding for about an hour and took pictures with everyone when he wasn't dancing, according to Stephanie.
"I HAVE NEVER BEEN MORE STARSTRUCK IN MY LIFE," writes another Twitter user who shared a video of Gritty grooving with guests.
There may never be a more Philly-like wedding. It's safe to say that Philly has won the hearts of Philadelphians over.