GOP Ticket Dissects Loss In Montgomery County Commissioners' Race
BLUE BELL, Pa. (CBS) -- Why did the GOP lose control of Montgomery County government for the first time in more than a century?
Following Tuesday's election (see related story), Republican candidate (and incumbent commissioner) Bruce Castor offered some explanations.
From a political perspective, Castor says, it's simple: the Democrats won the election because they had more money and more voters. He says they started with a million dollars in the bank and raised another $1.4 million, and that made it hard for the GOP to convince donors to pony up cash for the Castor-Brown ticket.
But Castor, who will now be the minority commissioner, says he's looking forward to working with Democrats Josh Shapiro and Leslie Richards.
"I believe them when they say that they're going to keep taxes from going up," he told reporters today. "I believe them when they say they're going to trim government spending. It's going to be part of my job as an elected commissioner to do my best to help them keep those promises."
And Castor, who was often shut out of decision-making during his first term by an alliance of the other two commissioners, believes the relationship among the commissioners will improve dramatically now.
Jenny Brown called her first run at countywide office a "tremendous learning and growing experience."
Reported by Brad Segall, KYW Newsradio 1060