Poll: Pennsylvania Voters' Support For Gun Control At All-Time High
HARRISBURG, Pa. (CBS) -- The latest Franklin and Marshall College Poll shows more Pennsylvania voters support gun control than at any time in the poll's history.
Franklin and Marshall College Poll Director Terry Madonna says 72 percent of registered Pennsylvania voters believe there should be more general regulation of guns.
"And we've asked that question for more than a decade," Madonna said. "That's the largest percentage who said that since we began asking that question."
Eighty-six percent favor enhanced background checks, 61 percent favor banning assault-style weapons, and almost as many, 59-percent, favor raising the minimum age for gun purchases to 21.
And while his approval numbers may have ticked up nationally in recent weeks, in the F&M Poll, the block of Pennsylvania voters who believe President Donald Trump is doing a good or excellent job remains mired at just 30 percent.