Woman Kicked Off Facebook for Having Same Name as Kate Middleton
NEW YORK (CBS) A British office worker was kicked off Facebook - and had to fight to get her account reinstated - because she shares her name with royal bride-to-be Kate Middleton.
Middleton had to prove that she wasn't trying to impersonate Prince William's fiancee before she was able to get her account back.
PICTURES: Kate Middleton
PICTURES: Prince William and Kate Middleton
SPECIAL SECTION: Britain's Royal Wedding
Middleton said she tried to log onto the social networking website Thursday and found she was blocked.
"I was absolutely gobsmacked," she told British tabloid The Sun. "It was ridiculous because they obviously thought I was trying to impersonate Prince William's Kate Middleton. But the profile picture is of me - and I clearly look nothing like her. Besides, William's Kate is not even on Facebook."
She claims she was directed to a help page that explained her account had been registered in a fake name.
Middleton tried filling out an online form to explain the mistake, but told the paper that no one got back for her for four days. Her account was reinstated after the Sun vouched for the non-royal, according to the report.
"We review thousands of pieces of content every day. Of course, we make an occasional mistake," Facebook said in a statement printed in the Sun. "This is an example. No system is perfect and we have to keep improving."